Effective exercises for weight loss and sides of the abdomen
Physical exercise is very good for the body because:
- it boosts the immune system;
- to improve the circulation of the blood;
- to increase strength, stamina,;
- and the reduction of depression, apathy, as it is at the point of production by a class to enable the "happiness hormone" — serotonin;
- hard to supply oxygen to the cells.
- stimulate your brain, improve concentration, performance, and conducive to learning.
- to reduce insomnia, as do the en of the high level of quality, deep;
- slow down the aging process of cells and tissues.
- to normalize the metabolism;
- better to strengthen the muscles of posture.
It is important to select the en a set of individual exercises that match your skills and state of health. People with a lot of excess weight, for example, many types of fitness are contraindicated because they can cause damage to your back and knees, increasing blood pressure and many more. In this case, since the workout is an easy walk away. It has been scientifically proven to go, I'm between 30 and 40 minutes per day significantly reduces the risk of cardio-vascular diseases, improves health, increases overall body tone.
The causes of excess fat

When I the abdomen, and the sides can collect en lot of different reasons:
- Problems with health. The extra centimetres around the waist, it can also indicate the presence of a variety of diseases, as well as the visceral fat look like? deposits around the internal organs, preventing the normal operation of the system.
- Unhealthy lifestyle: sedentary work, the over-abundance of fatty foods, fast foods, lack of sleep can cause excess fat. What is it like?
- Psychological factors such as: the inability to cope with different situations in life, the habit is to "seize" the stress is on the company, or out of boredom.
The Extra weight, as the issue of one or more of the major Swedish Newspapers, the causes at the same time, so much that I was in the fight against excess kilograms, of a comprehensive strategy to work with a doctor to develop the right eating habits, exercise, and proper nutrition.
To start the exercise?
The training should be held on a regular basis, at least three times a week, then it will only be able to be in the results. Each lesson is divided in two parts: cardio and strength.
Cardio exercises help the body to cheer them up, in order to prepare for the next load, in addition to:
- accelerating the metabolism;
- reduces levels of cortisol — the "stress hormone", an excess of which often leads to overeating, and disorders, due to sleep deprivation;
- and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, increase stamina;
- active, to burn calories, when compared with those of the other, the power part of the lesson.
The questions and answers should contain some intense exercise, quickly replacing each other, so that the body does not have time to get used to it. You can switch to running and the high jump, lift your hips, squats, and lunges. Ideally, this part lasted, and I have at least 20 minutes, and weight loss useful it will be to arrange for en the full question and answer 2 to 3 times a week, I have between 40 and 60 minutes. Also, the active-walking, I am a fast rate, it's going to be a good option.
A series of exercises designed to burn fat
At present, in the world of fitness that is used is the so-called " interval training on the different systems. Recognized as The most effective means a load of the type, replacing the en of the third party, your body can get used to it all of the time and on the limit of the active in order to burn calories. This training will strengthen the muscles, cardiovascular system and respiratory system and the system, improves the metabolism, enhances the process of protein synthesis.
The exercises include three main exercises:
- Aerobic: running, Cycling, fast walking, jumping rope, skipping, dance the night away. The increase in heart rate, increased sweating, helping the body to warm-up to prepare for the next stage.
- Effect: the crunches, the plank, bending, leg lifts. It is designed to strengthen the muscles.
- Gymnastics-stretching, or are in the final phase of the training, which will help you to relax and breath to restore the heart beat.
Women for weight loss can be, turn to yoga classes, asanas (movement, motion), which successively replace one another, promoting peace, reducing stress levels, women are good enough to work the major muscle groups. Take them in your home and Food in order to substitute for a regular towel.
Walking or running

Walking or running — what should you choose for weight loss? The majority of people will probably say that it's the first option, of course. A nice walk to a lot of people seem to be the usual occupation, which is not conducive to weight loss. Is that really the case? Let us review the most important differences are:
- Walking will help to strengthen the calf muscles, running on the chest, back, shoulders, thighs, and buttocks.
- Visitors can participate in While in the person who is experiencing a "phase of flight", which means that a is large enough, and the shock to the spinal joints. The walking at this stage, no.
- Walk to the safe, which is not true of driving, which greatly increases the risk for a variety of illnesses and injuries due to the increase in the workload of the heart, respiratory system, spine, joints.
Walking and Running are different, the impact on each individual. Health problems, If not running the tar, the mental and physical pleasure, then of weight-loss, it is better to opt for them. If there are any problems with the cardiovascular system, spine, joints, or the end of a run, it causes a moral discomfort, a walk is the best option. To go, in my case, at least en hour, in order to hold I'm fast enough on the day, the price will be around 8000-10000 thousand steps, or about 5-7 km away, is a recipe for a long life, a good cure for many ailments.
Exercise belt
Exercise "plank" of the fitness instructors are well-deserved is considered to be a classic, because it uses almost all of the major muscle groups:
- printing: direct, oblique muscles of I the abdomen;
- back to: strengthen the lower part of the spine, correction of body posture;
- the great pectoral muscle, the deltoid;
- gluteal;
- quad;
- the calf
- the hips.
When the exercise "plank" is used, in order that the load is evenly spread over all of the muscle groups, because of this, and in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, when they are properly in the no-load of the knee, which will make the bar accessible for people with impaired musculoskeletal system, men's-only after the consultation of the water, and under the guidance of an experienced fitness instructor.
ClassicThe classic placket, refers to the group of isometric exercises, if done in the right way, that is, without the burden of the extra joints I the body is still statically attached to. It comes in two versions:
- The emphasis is directly on the hands. This option is the easiest one, which is available for beginners, as the burden falls on his feet.
- The emphasis on her elbows. Hold this position, it is more difficult, because the weight is distributed evenly over all the mounting points: wrists, elbows, legs, muscles of the body. It will take a lot of effort in your body in order to stay in an upright position.
Really, you need to make an emphasis on straight arms and your elbows, push-UPS. Extended position, the Body should be in a straight line. The Motion has a second name — the "Board of directors" precisely describes the essence of the pose: there should be a deformation of the lower part of the back, buttocks, legs straight, knees tightened. With this, I need to keep 20 or 30 seconds, during which time going to be noticed I have muscles in all, there is the possibility of the emergence side of the quiver or sensation of warmth — all of this testifies to the correctness of the implementation. The bar is easy to carry out, I your home is, it does not require a special, small, equipment, or in the past.
PageAre a plank, the muscles, I the waist and on the sides. Also, It can be built on the top of my head, the elbow, and the order is as follows:
- a place for the strap;
- to expand the housing units at 90 degrees, that the adoption of en in a stable position, one hand resting on the floor, the rug, the others have to step up
- to stretch the whole body in one line, are you going to with a sense of excitement that I have a waist, lateral trunk muscle;
- hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds.
Batten Hand, and the monitoring of the equilibrium of the balance, the coordination, improves the concentration.
A woman is not easy to get a en a flat belly, because of the anatomical features: of the to the obstruction in a child to have enough body fat. However, in the majority of cases, of course, being overweight is a result of poor diet, lack of physical activity, and mental health problems. The most important thing — its time to buckle down and you can start with very simple exercises — the twist.
There are several of the major Swedish Newspapers versions of them.
- Classic.
- The reverse (or do leg lifts).
- Spin — "elbow to knee".
They can be done at home, or just en of Rug I was a fitness room with special equipment. Think about the technology, the more I like and details I am in the chapter "Exercises, which are located on the same floor."
Breathing exercises
More recently, the widespread and breathing techniques, which ensures that it is possible to remove the sagging belly, the flanks, for a short period of time. It can be used as a supplement to the standard and condition of the yoga postures in order to strengthen the work of the I, of the respiratory system. In addition, these exercises can be used as a meditation, to relax, calm yourself, and they can be a great weapon for dealing with stress.
Men who any sane person to the border to understand that, in a safe manner and in health, to harm, to remove the sagging belly is only possible through the ongoing education, training, calorie deficit, in changes, I was eating habits, breathing techniques, data, and it will help only a few, speeding up the process for sure.
Jump rope
Jumping rope is a good option to start and finish a workout, they will help your body to Wake up, stretch out, and up the stream prior to the heat element. In addition to regular jumping:
- to improve the co-ordination.
- contribute to the development of the cardiovascular system.
- to enhance the and lungs of the Respiratory system;
- the correct position of the body.
Sufficient for 3 to 5 minutes before and after workouts to enhance your performance. The only exception to this jump rope, which is contraindicated for people with heart disease, I the spine, women in the menstrual period, pregnancy, and a high degree of obesity.
Gymnastic Hoop
Another One is quite common in women, in order to reduce the volume of the I abdomen, the waist, and the exercises with the help of a special sports Hoop hula hooping. He's really able to helping the men, the effect is going to be the local community, is going to leave a few centimeters of the trunk of the body from all of the other fields will remain intact.
Furthermore, it is not the strengthening of the muscles, men are just offering a massage effect that promotes lymph drainage. Hula hoops, easy bruising can be the skin, all depends on the weight and the rubber quality from which it is made.
Classes in hula, are contraindicated buckle for women during the critical days of pregnancy, gynecological diseases, the incidence of skin rash, itching.
The slopes
Lean is helping to strengthen the lateral muscles of the I was of the abdomen and the waist. This is a simple-to-men are very effective in training, known to many from that time I am at the school. The technique is to do the following:
- the starting position is standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
- the exhalation in order for you to raise your right hand up, left hand and do the tilting, jamming your left-hand side of the page.
- at the press to return to the starting position;
- on the exhale, make the en of a knot in the other direction.
In order to be able to enhance the effect, you can pick up dumbbells of 0,5-1,5 kg) or a fixed-wrist-weights. This work will extend to the muscles of the, I, quadriceps, biceps, chest, and back.
An opinion from a specialist

The experienced fitness instructors, to say it bluntly: you're not going to believe the tempting photos from the category "before and after" in the fight against the reviews, it promises to pump up or ass, six-pack abs in 10 days. The work of the body is a time-consuming process, not only as it combines with regular exercise, men's well the right diet, work in the field of psychology. Explained Already in this one (see above). Food limitation of strenuous lessons or it will not work if the person is not able to cope with stress, to continue to take these difficult situations, the problems or the company of any household.
As for the quality, the competency, the weight loss without any harm to your health, both physically and mentally, it is preferable that the weight-loss seek the advice of specialists. They will be able to approach the issue comprehensively, to elect en in, technology that is easy to move up in life, and in order to be secure, shame the place is going to be a part of it.